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Iowa Weather Network Warnings Map

Winter Weather Advisory

Sunday, January 13, 2013

New name and new look.

I want to first start off my saying today it occurred to me that my blog has been in operation for it's 6th year now. I've made over 1,177 posts and over 46 thousand views since I started it 2008. I've decided recently  there was a need for a new name to my blog and a new look to go with this new name. My passion for horticulture has been strong through my childhood as many have seen over the years. My love for gardening and horticulture is continuing to expand, so much so I decided many years ago that I wanted this field to be my profession. I am now near the end of my college career ( last semester) for a horticulture diploma I will revive in May of this year, and I will some day have an eventual career in this field. Weather on the other has has been with me for just as long as I've had a passion for gardening, and this will continue. At first I wanted to create a separate blog for gardening and weather, but I do not want the care of running two blogs. I also noted that my blog does not show much of my passion for gardening so I decided to rename my blog to Southeast Minnesota Weather and Gardening to show my passion for horticulture. I decided a new look was also appropriate as well. Other changes that will I will also be posting more often about gardening and I will now include botanical names for plants in my postings.

Changes Seen: New look and new name, More posts about gardening with names for plants photographed.

What will not change. The link name: will remain the same. Weather posts, warnings and follow ups will remain the same as always.

I hope you will enjoy these changes as much as I will, Thanks,

Blog Owner Derek M.

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