Fall Color Report # 5 October 1st 2012
Fall colors are increasing faster then I can keep up with them! Many spots have blown off the "moderate color" stage and have either went to high color or color is peaking! In areas of Goodhue, Dodge and Mower counties, fall colors are at peak and colors are beautiful! Areas in Olmstead, Fillmore, Wabasha and Winona counties will be peaking in the next few days.
Burning Bush St Marys Park October 1st 2012
Fall color here in Rochester I would say has jumped to 75% Fall color here in Rochester is nice, but it does not seem like they are very vivid just yet. I just came back from a trip from Northwest Wisconsin over the weekend and in that area, color is very stunning! Around Rochester early changing trees like Ashes and Maples are at peak color and are very beautiful at this time, shrubs like Burning Bush and Sumac are also peaking. I've seen, yellow, red and orange. Mid and Late turning trees like Poplars, Birch and Oaks are also now starting to join the show turning colors of golden yellow and orange. Fall color is very nice
Fall color in my neighborhood Honey Locust, Red Maple October 1st
Fall color is my neighborhood is nice, but rather bland because all the trees turn yellow for the most part.
Fall Color in Sugar Maple
Sugar Maples are famous for their beautiful colors in which they turn. Color in these trees can range from red to orange to yellow, or a combination of the three!
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