I first seen this Bee like creature last year, Which I found out today is a Clearwing Hummingbird moth I was amazed because I had never seen anything like this before. This morning, I was surprised to see that it is back this year, so I grabbed the camera right away. This moth reminds me of a bee, because it has yellowish fur, but it has a long tube-like mouth, like a humming bird. it's wings move very quickly, and they make little sound, I didn't hear anything until I got real close to it, Then I heard a low sounding hum, and it has long black antennas-like things that go out almost half the length of it's body. It seems like really like Violas and Pansy's. Here is site that talks more about the Hummingbird moth. The Hummingbird Moth
I would like to take the time to talk a little about Violas. Violas are one of the only annuals that can reseed it's self and come back the next year here in Wisconsin. Once you have them, You don't need to buy more. They look just like mini pansy's which now come in all colors from Orange to Purple to White. Violas spread by seed, so let some on the flowers produce seeds. The seeds actually start rooting in late fall, Then come up the next spring, Some plants even stay green all winter. One voila can create lots of seeds for new plants.
they spread very easily! I had some in a pot next too our house last year, and Heavy rains spread the seeds, and now I have them coming up all around the edges of our sidewalk. By the way if you know anyone interested in some violas I am willing to give some away, I have many little seedlings.
Another great this about these plants is they bloom all season long! from about the time Tulips start blooming in May to October! they can continue to bloom though light frosts I definitely very much recommend this plant for Northern gardeners!
See photos below for colors that I have.
Here are some more I planted this spring, I really like this color.
This color has a very interesting story with it. I never planted this color Before, I have no Idea how it got here, My best guess is, that this color is by some pollinating by bees which caused some mixing between two other colors I have, This color just popped up this year, anyway I thought it was really neat to see this color, I hope to see it next year!
Here is one last photo of a color I planted this spring.
Forecast Below.
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