Lilacs May 20th
The lilacs are in Full bloom here in Western Wisconsin, So I thought I would take this time to talk about them. Lilacs are a very old plant used in Gardens, That's why you often see them planted by older homes and farms, Actually they are commonly planted with Day lilies. The most common color they come in is Light purple. But they come in White, Dark Purple and even pink now. Lilacs here in Western Wisconsin normally come into bloom around the 25Th of May just as the trees are getting leaves. Most people don't know that lilacs actually need our cold longer winters to rest so they can get the energy to flower, That's why you always see lilac bushes loaded with flowers in Wisconsin and the around the upper midwest, when they bloom. Once you get around Southern IL and south, It gets harder to get them into bloom, and they produce less flowers, or none at all. I personally think everyone who lives in Wisconsin and the upper Midwest should have at least one lilac in the yard, just because they have an unforgettable smell which can fill the entire yard. We have 8 blooming bushes scattered around our yard Which spreads the smell no madder which way the wind is blowing They may not last extremely long, but I have to say our longer winters almost makes it worth it for the flowers!
I have never tried this here before but, I would like to that the time now to Mention, I will be selling some of the baby shoots our lilacs have produced. I am selling both Light and Dark purple colors, I have more light purple then dark purple, I am selling them for a fairly good price I believe. I am also selling some other common flowers around our yard. If anyone is interested in some, please send my an email at I will be glad to answer any questions you have about lilacs also.Photo of Dark Purple Colored lilacs. I will add a photo of my white lilacs tomorrow, They seem to be a tad later then the rest. please check back again tomorrow!
Ok here is a photo of my White double lilac, This lilac was my great grandmas Elsie's, When my Grandma and Grandpa moved into the house, they unknownly, mowed over most of the lilac, because they didn't know it was a lilac, This is what kept it a small enough size to move over to my house, This is the most blooms this lilac has had so far! Thank you for reading this post about lilacs!
The Lilacs around my property are also in full bloom. Took my daughter for a stroll around the yard this morning (gorgeous outside at 6am) and had her touch and smell them. She was like, "what?!". :)
Very nice pictures, Derek! The flowers are blooming nicely here, too.
I'm looking at a lilac tree right outside my window as I type, it's starting to bloom. In fact the green-up is taking off here in Duluth, it happened fairly quickly thanks to those few days of very warm tempeatures!
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